Elevator systems for fairs, stadiums and sports centres.
Good and passenger lifts for leisure venues, such as fairs, stadiums, leisure centres are costum designed and developed to move thousands of people and work hard around the clock.
They must be reliable, robust, efficient and you can’t afford they break down.
Whether you need a good or a passanger lift, msm ascensori offers consultancy and support all through the process to find the right solution that best suits the type of venue, from exhibition facilities to sports facilities.
MSM Ascensori per gli edifici a uso sportivo
In the leisure industry, thousands of people travel vertically every day.
Msm ascensori creates lifting systems that make thousands of people flow comfortably and efficiently round the clock. We team up with designers and architects to make every leisure project unique and add a little stylish talking point to the building.
Ascensori Panoramici
Eleganti impianti di sollevamento con cabine composte da una o più pareti vetrate.
Ascensori Montacarichi
Ascensori di elevata portata, specificamente progettati per il trasporto di merci.
Ascensori Domestici e Piattaforme Elevatrici
Impianti a uso residenziale installabili sia all’interno che all’esterno dell’edificio.
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