Lifting systems for shopping centres and large-scale retail
Lifting systems for shopping centres and large-scale retail have unique needs of heavy traffic and round-the-clock mobility.
Msm ascensori design, develop and create robust, reliable, spacious, stylish retail lifts that make the consumers’ shopping experience comfortable and flawless.
Our elevator systems make people and goods flow easily and comfortably between storeys adding elegance and style to the surrounding architectural space. They are spacious, users’ friendly and they facilate an easy, comfortable accessibility and mobility round the clock.
Retail lifts
We offer a variety of systems that best suit a wide range of capacities and space requirements, from a simple service lift to a scenic glass lift.
Thanks to their high- quality, efficient components, our retail lifts are robust, reliable and work round the clock.
Ascensori Panoramici
Eleganti impianti di sollevamento con cabine composte da una o più pareti vetrate.
Ascensori Montacarichi
Ascensori di elevata portata, specificamente progettati per il trasporto di merci.
Ascensori Domestici e Piattaforme Elevatrici
Impianti a uso residenziale installabili sia all’interno che all’esterno dell’edificio.
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