Lifts and good lifts for offices
Msm ascensori offers reliable lifts and good lifts designed for frequent and heavy use for commercial buildings.
Our stylishly designed, robust lifts work hard, facilitate accessibility, mobility and comfort to those who use them and comply with all the safety regulations.
We design, develop and create lifts for offices that ensure true harmony with the surrounding space, whether it be a new construction or an old building, taking care of any detail, capacity, colour, lighting, materials and finishing.
When the time comes to either replace a lift or install a new one, we can guide you through all the new cutting-edge solutions available to allow you to future-proof your building.
Whether you are looking for an office lift solution or for a high/heavy traffic residential building, we design bespoke, reliable lifting systems that blend in with your building ‘s heritage, even the most challenging space.
We offer various options to optimize elevator use in high-rise buildings through effective elevator traffic management.
Ascensori Panoramici
Eleganti impianti di sollevamento con cabine composte da una o più pareti vetrate.
Ascensori Montacarichi
Ascensori di elevata portata, specificamente progettati per il trasporto di merci.
Ascensori Domestici e Piattaforme Elevatrici
Impianti a uso residenziale installabili sia all’interno che all’esterno dell’edificio.
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